Saturday, January 8, 2011

No Calorie Left Behind!

As you may know, we mermaids DO eat!
And I love love LOVE my food. I have no shame or embarassment about what and how I eat. I am fairly "good", but when I have my dessert...I Do Not PANIC! Most people, (especially women and girls) panic in guilt when they eat a single brownie! This spurs on eating disorders which are tragic and horrible...

There truly is a mind body connection that many people have not tapped into that can save their sanity, love of food and self-image.
To truly believe what you eat will make you feel better, to truly feel that what you take in is what you need and want and will benefit has proven that it WILL help. Given that we all still eat in healthy moderation for all we intake, you CAN eat that brownie and not destroy yourself over it.

My dearest friend and practically cousin-in-law, Kelli Blanchard has begun blogging about her culinary capers and adventures for this new year! It is inspiring, insightful, truthful, and witty. And Sweet! : )

Kelli is an amazing baker, and I have undoubtedly chosen her for making my wedding cake in the future times. She is so creative, wonderful, funny, and passionate!

Please follow her blog if what she says inspires you as well! She surely inspired me to ENJOY life. ENJOY food. ENJOY what that life can offer! and that darn well includes CHOCOLATE! :)

Enjoy and send love, suggestions, insight to Kelli on her path to show us how to embrace Food! : )
Thank you all!

With x's and o's
Mermaid Aiyana

1 comment:

  1. Methinks if everyone took the time to cook their own meals and brownies and whatnot instead of wolfing down nothing but readymade stuff people wouldn't have to worry about their weight XD
