Here are a few events I should be attending this year!
ConVocation - Feb 24-27 - This is a 4 day convention in and gathering of people of mystical spiritual faiths and paths such as Pagan, Wiccan, Mystic, Druidism, Etc in MI! I have several Pagan and Wiccan friends, and it'd be awesome to learn from their perspectives! So fascinating to be open to new experiences! So, with a few dear friends of mine, we are going to learn, gather, make new friends, and have fun! Figured it'd be good time to swim about in the hotel pool as a Mermaid. Why not?
Ghost Ships Festival - March 25-26 - Ever wondered about the mystery and history that lies in the cool depths of our own great lakes? Those majestic steamliners, beautiful ships, incredible watercraft...that met their untimely doom under the surface of the freshwater? Ghost Ships Milwaukee is a 2 day event with presentations, exhibits, demonstrations, etc. involving scuba diving and exploration beneath our waves to the very treasure below! Come with us and discover the wonders, so close to you! You can scuba dive in the ocean...See colourful fish and intricate ecosystems...but only in our great lakes can you be face to face with history itself. So come aboard! Mermaid Aiyana will be attending the Diver's Delight Scuba Diving Charters Booth. I'll be there to answer questions, and take pictures with you or your little ones! : ) Come see us also at the Urge to Submerge Dive Club Booth! Urge to Submerge is our awesome local dive club! They are hilarious, but avid and experienced divers with all the know-how you need to start scuba diving today! Many people are intimidated by the notion of Scuba diving, but no fear! We are here to make it simple, efficient, and FUN! Join the club, and come aboard in the summer and autumn (even winter!) on the Diver's Delight boat and explore your world at new depths!
Pirates of the Caribbean 4 : On Stranger Tides Midnight Premiere - May 19th-20th - Of course, no mermaid can miss out on the greatly anticipated fourth installment to the well-known and loved POTC saga! I am so excited to see my favorite pirate, Barbossa back in action! Along with Capt. Jack Sparrow, a motley crew as usual, and new characters! Including MERMAIDS! I think they finally got my memo, huh?! : ) Mermaid Aiyana will be carried into the theatre by her amazing friends and cohorts and piratical pals!
Anime Central (ACen) - May 20-22 - As a costume...r. :) I am a nerd as well! I love foreign pop culture and music, but most of all, Japanese pop culture/fashion/music/animation! My friends and I never miss ACen! One of the largest Japanese Animation conventions in North America! Between the amazing costumes, the hilarity and random chaos, the photoshoots, new friends, 2 amazing rave/dances, a masquerade show, fashion show, concerts, and more, its no wonder more and more people are attending and having a ball! Cannot wait! : ) I love a reason to dress up! up up and away!
Port Washington Pirate Festival - June 3-5th - My beginnings! Port Pirate Fest is a newer festival here that I LOVE! It's exactly as it says and is total mayhem and fun! This is the reason I became a mermaid! There are TONS of pirates! Nice ones, smelly ones, drunk ones, little ones, big ones, female, male, evil, kind, etc! There are shows with music! belly dancing! tons of stuff for kiddies, rides on the lake on true pirate ships! Food, music, and vendors! Scuba divers, treasure, mermaid! It always seems to rain and storm during pirate fest, but it makes for good mysterious and eerie pirate weather indeed! This is the place to be, people! Admission is free! Come aboard!
Distant Worlds Chicago Concert - June 26th - An incredible 2-show performance touring through Chicago, London, and Sydney and back to Tokyo showcasing acclaimed musician Nobuo Uematsu (the composer behind the Final Fantasy (video game) saga. He is incredibly talented and has composed the musical selections from every Final Fantasy game to date! Distant Worlds will showcase several of his works for the public in Chicago, with Uematsu himself in attendance. I am a huge fan of classically composed music. Joe Hisaishi (also of Japanese descent), being my all time favorite. Eric Whitacre being my favorite in the department of vocal composition. Uetmastu is a close second! I will be attending possibly in cosplay to promote the show and add to its incredible and awe-inspiring pizazz! I should be receiving my PR press it soon to promote the show! If you are a fan of amazing, tear-jerking, music, and/or Final Fantasy, Please attend! You will astounded.
Here is a video of a performance from Distant Worlds. "To Zanarkand". Gives me chills! I absolutely play this song in my mind when swimming!
Fish Day - July 16th - The World's Largest One Day Outdoor Fish Fry! That's right, you heard me! and NO! I am NOT on the MENU! Thank you very much! Hmmph! :) Come for a fish fry, awesome parade (I'll be there with the Diver's Delight crew!), live music, and a good time!
Cyphan - July 29-31 - As I said, I am a NERD! Cyphan is an awesome convention for Sci-Fi series fans! I am in LOVE with Doctor Who as of recent and I just can't stop the love for it! I will be attending this summer with some awesome people! Between mermaiding in the pool and fountains in Rosemont, Illinois, and portraying a hissing and frightening vampire from the Doctor Who series, you should be able to spot me easily! : )
More events to come as the time approaches! Including Maritime Heritage Fest, and Bristol Renn. Faire! : )
I hope to see each and every one of you at at least one or a few, or all those events! Come say hello and give me a high-five or hug! Kids are welcome to all events listed!
Thank you again for all your love and support and increasing following! You are mer-aculous! <3
With x's and o's
Mermaid AiyanaHere are some photos of Mermaid Aiyana with lovely and amazing people! I love you all and thank you for your support and x's and o's! <3
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Billie Beach and Mermaid Aiyana! |
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Mermaid Aiyana at Fish Day parade with Jen and Tanya of Diver's Delight! |
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Aiyana's plunge into the marina! With an unsuspecting man! Gasp! |
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Preparing to hop in! Pouring rain, fog, and murky water is just a typical Saturday for this mermaid and these divers! |
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Aiyana with her love, Bryan! (Yes, he dresses as a gorilla for fun! Ya think HE is crazy? Well I dress as a fish! I guess we are a good match. :) |
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Mermaid Aiyana with her buddy Matt, Who is indeed a NINJA! Oh look there's a hot dog in the picture too! Nomnomnom |
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Mermaid Aiyana sun-bathing on deck with Julianne! :) |
x's and o's!
Lovely post Aiyana! Thanks for the heads up about the events too!